Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Hello! I'm Thalia! The muse of comedy!
And I'm Euterpe, muse of music.
We're here to talk about Dionysus's appearance and
influence in both ancient and modern culture!
One of my favorite is the song "Dionysus" inspired
 by the god himself, and composed by Jocelyn Pook
The chanting background reminds me of those Dionysian
 rites the maenads go through, don't you think so Thalia??
Erm... yes? I was going to talk about the many 
appearances of Dionysus in theater, movies and books.
He appeared in the Percy Jackson series as a camp counselor
played by Luke Camilleri in the Lightning Thief, and Stanley
Tucci in The Sea of Monsters. And some people even 
think that Willy Wonka may be a Dionysian character.
(Luke Camilleri)
(Stanley Tucci)
Really? That's fascinating!
Dionysus also inspired many great artists, such as Michelangelo,
Titian, and Leonardo da Vinci. Shown below is a work done by
Titian depicting Dionysus falling in love with his future wife, 
Ariadne, while accompanied by his band of satyrs and maenads.
File:Titian Bacchus and Ariadne.jpg
Truly gorgeous work I say.
I highly agree. 
So that about sums up this post...
            Bye everybody! We hope you enjoyed it!

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